Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It has been 10 frigging months. It has never came across my mind that I could be in love with someone for this long. I get bored really fast and that probably explain why all my past r/s does not last more than 3 months. I place my pride and ego ahead of everything and love was nothing to me back then. Letting go and moving on were never an issue to me, it's as easy as ABC, till I met him.

He doesn't buy me bears or flowers, we don't talk on phone at night,we exchange only 10-20 texts a day, and "SURPRISE" probably doesn't appear in his dictionary. Just look at the morning message he sent, he is not a romantic guy,not that kind of perfect prince charming that girls often dream of. BUT, he's definitely the kind that I've always wanted to be with. The kind of guy who behaves just the way he is, be it in front of me, his parents or his friends. The kind who doesn't act all nice at the beginning in order to win your heart and suddenly become someone else after being together for a period of time. Even though he doesn't shower me with flowers, gifts, sweet messages, but he gave me all his attention whenever I want or need them.

There was once he got a vase of sunflower from PanPacific hotel, he took it from the gents though. Hahaha, see I was in his mind even when he is peeping. Well although he didn't buy it, but it's the thought that counts. And today marks the 10th month, time flies, the past 10 month, we had fun, we laughed, we argued, we cried, and we are still together :)

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