Saturday, December 8, 2012

Before I start mugging for tomorrow paper, I decided to update this space with Shah's 22nd bdae celebration. I remembered how stress up I was last year, planning for his 21st, and this year, it was equally stressful. I wanted to give him a surprise, but I got too excited and slipped it out -.- Hate myself sometime.

Anyway, initially, I wanted to plan a short getaway, but because I was really tight up with school and we were @ hongkong last year, didn't really get to celebrate with his friends, so I decided to settle with a 3D2N stay at Amara Sanctuary Larkhill Terrace.

I miss the bath tub, the sun bed, the pool and our entrance with a super adorable short gate. Moving on, before we check in to the room, we had a long day at USS with Craig & Rachel, and again being mad at some stupid stuff, I left Uss without having my favorite churros and turkey leg!! FUCK, how to not be mad at myself. I told shah before that I wouldnt mind paying $70+ to USS just to have the Churros & turkey leg. Tsk, now I still feel very sad about it :(
Okay, Hard Rock Cafe for dinner after all the crazy rides. I personally feel that the food is overrated, it was just "MEHHH", I was still quite excited for the food after hearing some good reviews from my friends lo, but what a disappointment.

We are sick of party playing around with uniforms, colors and so we had a MUSTACHE PARTY! I had a hard time looking for these mustache stickers in S'pore, but it's either too expensive or the designs are really limited. And finally in China, I found it, a A4 size cardboard filled with mustache stickers, going at only $2? Like WTF, such a good deal.

Tadah, we have a bath tub filled with booze!

 Jeremy with his fucking confident face!

POOF, 3D2N just gone like that, now we are all back to reality, stuck with school and work.Arghhh, shah is having fun at Zoukout and I'm home, mugging for tomorrow paper. Life is so unfair!!!

" Regardless of the challenges that might come between us, we'll always find our way back to each other"

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