Thursday, December 27, 2012

Oh my fucking god, 2012 is ending in few days time and I'm kinda looking forward to 2013.
Okay, I'll leave the xmas post to the later part.
So back on last friday, my very annoying boyfriend and I, along with Jeremy went JB for a feast at pizzahut! Yup, that's right, PIZZAHUT, those that you can see all over singapore. If you didn't already know, M'sia pizzahut is so much better than S'pore. Okay, the price of course is like much lower, and the pizza is so so so much better, the best pizza I've ever tasted.

The picture really doesn't do any justice :( This is my favorite super cheesy pepperoni pizza!

$35-$40 for 1 mug of mountain dew, 1 Large pizza, 2 garlic bread, 4 cream of mushroom and 8 chicken wings. The amount of food we ordered can feed up to 4-5pax lo, and with that amount of money,we can only get a set for 2 in S'pore! Why is it so tough to live in S'pore?! Oh and their movie tickets are super cheap too, $10 for 2?! I wanted to catch a movie there, but we have to rush back for Hiro's 22nd so yup, that's all for our pizza journey!
Moving on, we the 3 musketeers met again for dinner at Arab street the following day, before the boys head off to meet Hiro & co. at zouk.

 I really love him, decked in shirt, jeans and boots.

"Call me ,maybe?!"

Hoookay!! I think that pretty much sums up my last weekend. I'm running out of time, so xmas post maybe next time. Bye folks!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas is just a week away, I love shopping for xmas gifts, but it's really not quite an easy task, can think until I wanna cry one loh! Anyway, I was out at town with haozhe and bernice on thursday. It has been so frigging long since the 3 of us went town together, why you all so busy one huh huh huh!!!

We spent like 7hrs in town hunting for the gifts, but to no avail. It's so depressing you know, like no longer fun anymore b'cus I can't find the perfect gift :(



Any any way, it has been 18 months, and this scumbag has survived! I'm really hot tempered, I don't think when I'm mad, & every time after I calm down, then I realised it wasn't entirely his fault. It's just me, over thinking. Ohwell, what to do, girls are like that one what. But thank you motherfucker for holding on and showering me with love & quite an ass behavior. I'm lucky to have you, I know!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hello pixies, I'm back for my weekly update, read on to know what's up this week!
The handsome boy in red is now botak, serving the nation. Before he enlisted on tuesday, we had a bff dinner the night before @ Marmalade Pantry. The queue is mad, because on every Monday, they are having a 1 for 1 main course promotion. WARNING* Food is just ----- only, really not worth dining there if there isn't any promotion loh. But the desserts are good, try the Sea Salt Caramel Cheesecake and Carrot cake.

My very troublesome boyfriend wanted me to cook him meatball bolognese, I search up and down for meatball recipe, but fuck this shit, it's too tedious. And so, I decided to make my way to Ikea, the meatballs paradise!!
 Look at the amount of food we ordered, my appetite is growing like @#$%^*&.

Every time I step into Ikea, I wish I've an apartment of my own. Imagine shopping for furniture with my other half, thinking of ideas to beautify our flat. How nice!Ohya, so in the end, I didn't get the ikea meatballs, they taste horrible at the restaurant. The standard drop like siao, I used to crave for Ikea food one loh, but now, it's really not worth making a trip down for dinner.

Okay, moving on, my long overdue Hongkong trip! I supposed the highlight of the trip was the Modern Toilet Cafe that my friends and I came across. The concept is pretty cool, if only they have one in s'pore, I would have done a photo shoot there :(

Other than that, there really isn't anything interesting about the trip, this is my 3rd time visiting Hongkong and I'm kinda sick of it already. Okay la, maybe I just miss my boyfriend, is like everywhere I go, it reminds me of shah. " oh, I came here with shah before", " eh shah and I had a tiff here", " fuck shah and I got lost here". It gets so annoying that I just wished to be back in s'pore asap!

Nevertheless, the trip was fun and pretty exciting with my friends around, looking out on me. I'm the only girl, so everywhere I go, there's at least one of the guys accompanying me, feel so glad to have them with me. Let's look forward to the next trip motherfuckers!

Last but not least, SXB will be launching a new collection next week, so save up for some awesome shit.